When people call your business, what impression do you want to leave? Regardless if a first-time caller or a regular client…the truth is impressions matter!
If you feel like your business is getting bogged down rather than lifted up each time the phone rings, or if you feel like your callers are not getting adequate attention or handling, then a live answering service provided by virtual receptionists might be the proper solution. AnswerOne live receptionists can help you with 24 hour call center solutions, after hours answering, medical answering services, and all your other inbound call answering requirements.

Business Answering Service / Virtual Receptionist
Whether you’re a small business looking to cut costs while still giving every inbound call the attention it deserves, or a large-scale operation looking for live agents to answer calls after hours, AnswerOne’s virtual receptionists can help. Your customers will never know they’re speaking to someone off-site because our answering service agents handle each and every call the same way you would. Our professionalism and courtesy is second to none, meaning every customer we speak to—and every client we serve—gets the same individual attention as any in-person visitor to your business. We deliver the important information to you and connect calls when you want them.
This frees up resources at your business to focus on your core operations while we provide a professional “impression” for your inbound calls.Because AnswerOne’s virtual receptionists are available 24-hours a day, you can also rest easy knowing that your inbound calls are being answered by a live, well trained professional at any hour of the day. Keep your phone lines up and running with AnswerOne all the time, some of the time or just for overflow and never miss a single opportunity—a win-win for businesses large and small!
Medical Answering Service
Our virtual receptionists are also fully trained and qualified in providing medical answering services, directing inbound calls to physicians and medical offices or taking messages according to client specifications. The privacy of your patients’ medical information will be strictly maintained and in compliance with current HIPAA & Hi-Tech regulations.
Call Center Services
AnswerOne’s answering services also include high-volume inbound call center answering, including order processing for businesses who complete sales over the phone. We can route inbound calls to on-site phones for sales, troubleshooting, or other customer service. In other words, our frontline of virtual receptionists can take basic information from your caller and transfer them to the right person in your business every time. Like any good employee should be we are full-service and very flexible but at a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house phone answering staff.
Pick up the phone and call AnswerOne today. Not only will you get to experience our first-rate call answering services first-hand, but you’ll be putting yourself on the road to a more streamlined business, ready to take on everything that comes your way.